The Things You Should Know Before Buying a Snoring Mouth Guard
Snoring occurs when the soft tissue in your mouth falls back into your throat and blocks your airway. The soft tissue vibrates, creating sound as air passes through your throat. There can be several reasons why you’re snoring at night. One of the most common reasons is when the tongue drops towards the back of your throat. A mouthpiece can help to resolve this issue by applying light tension to the lower jaw and pulling the tongue forward. This helps to clear the airway and prevent sound being heard. The purpose of an anti-snoring caters to those who snore in any position they sleep in, even when the mouth is closed (retrovelar snoring). The difference with an anti-snoring brace is that the device is bow-shaped and covered in silicone. It’s fitted at the back of the mouth to put the palatal arch under slight pressure and prevents the issue of mouth snoring. v Snoring Mouth Guards: There are different types of Snoring mouth guards to choose from. And there are several ...